Does following your bliss seem impossible? An unattainable pipe dream?

Actually, it could be easier than you think. 


I should know: At the age of 35, I traded a successful academic career for the wild blue yonder, setting out to explore the world and myself. Six continents and nearly a decade later I’ve turned passion into profession and am blessed with a life of discovery, global connections and creative pursuits. You can do it too.

You know what you love, what makes your heart sing. So, break through inertia, overcome your fears, follow passion and start living it – today!



Start somewhere. Anywhere. Follow inspiration. Join a club, take a class, sign up for that trip you’ve always wanted to take. Just get the ball rolling. The rest will follow.



Don’t hold back. If you can dream it, you can be it. Create the blueprint for your new life in your mind’s eye. Indulge the dream with such passion and clarity that it feels real. Next thing you know, it will be.



Find a mentor. Look around you for people already successfully turning their dreams into reality and ask for advice on how to do the same. It’s not hard. Build up your courage. People are nice. If they’re not, it’s not personal, simply move on to your next hero.



Don’t wait for the timing to be right. It never will be. Once you have an idea and a plan of action, do something immediately. Take one step towards your bliss right now!

“I know that I am following my bliss when my work is an act of love and devotion. Everyday is a joy to live.” Deepak Chopra ,Hay House Success Cards.

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Ellen Barone is an American writer and wanderer. She co-founded and publishes the group travel blog and is currently at work on her first book "I Could Live Here".