Ellen Barone

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Document Loss, Theft or Damage - How to be prepared

What would you do in an emergency if your vital travel documents were lost, stolen or damaged?

Two different friends had their wallets stolen or lost while traveling abroad recently and it got me thinking about what I’d do differently to be better prepared when I travel. Then I spotted a mention in the JourneyWomen.com newsletter this month about AccessMyID.com which sounds like a great backup.

You can upload and securely store vital travel documents, personal and medical profiles, hotel confirmations, banking information, etc. online. When push comes to shove, as it did for one friend who’d had ALL her money, credit cards, ID, etc. stolen in a mugging in Wales, stored documents would provide indisputable Consulate or bank ID. I’ve been storing this kind of info in the ‘password keeper’ application on my BlackBerry and email, but AccessMyId.com sounds like an even a safer, more secure solution. 

Think I’ll try it. What about you? Anyone already using it? Let us know how it’s working for you. 

Bon Voyage,



Source: JourneyWomen.com

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